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June 10th, 2024

In The New York Times, US citizens and mixed-status families, like Ashley De Azevedo, President of American Families United, may benefit from recent actions taken by President Biden. Ashley, a descendant of Italian immigrants and American Revolutionary War heroes, is now advocating for her own family’s rights. The White House is considering relief for immigrants who entered the country unlawfully but are eligible for green cards through marriage to US citizens. Ashley’s story reflects the struggles faced by many in similar situations. She hoped that her American heritage would expedite her husband’s undocumented status adjustment but was met with challenges, including the possibility of him having to leave the country for 10 years to obtain a green card. The article also emphasizes how Representatives Tom Suozzi and Brian Fitzpatrick reached out to President Biden, urging him to address the issue, highlighting the benefits of doing so from both a policy and political perspective. Rebecca Shi, Executive Director of the American Business Immigration Coalition, emphasized the need for reform in the immigration system, stating, “A solution for undocumented spouses of US citizens is an obvious place to start, because our broken immigration system has been stacked against them for decades.”