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April 23rd, 2024

Jenni Rivera, a member of American Families United (Rolesville), traveled to Washington, D.C. on April 16-17 for a Capitol Hill briefing, urging the Biden administration to extend work permits to immigrants deeply rooted in American families and communities. From Rolesville, North Carolina, Jenni is the U.S. citizen spouse of an undocumented immigrant, with two daughters. She passionately stated, “I’m here today to ask President Biden to act for my family, the 23,000 other North Carolinian families like mine, and the 1.1 million U.S. citizen spouses in my situation across the country. We need the president to grant work permits to our spouses. We are sick of waiting when we have worked and paid taxes for so many years… Why should my children have to suffer? Why should I have to choose between my country and my family?”